Psychological Assessment

Psychological Assessment can be a powerful resource to help understand a person’s emotional or cognitive state, identify ways that may be more likely to effectively provide support, and as a resource for advocacy within educational situations. At Inner Fōkus, we offer clinicians with specialized training and experience conducting evaluations and providing feedback. At Inner Fokus, we offer psychological evaluation for both children & adolescents and adults.

Psychological assessment can provide help diagnosing disorders such as: 

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Psychological Assessment can also be helpful to better understand situations where people may have been in therapy for a while, but don’t see the results they would like. 

Dr. Patrick has also been able to make most diagnostic evaluations possible online through virtual sessions. This includes comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and collaborating with other providers to provide initial assessments and/or follow-up monitoring. 

Contact us us to determine whether this is could be an option for you. 


Children & Adolescents

In many cases, children and adolescents are in need of an evaluation of cognitive abilities, a clear determination of whether or not they may have ADHD, or whether they are struggling in school due to a specific learning disability (SLD). Many times, such testing can be received from the child’s school. However, it is sometimes the case where the schools ability to complete the testing does not match up with the desires of the child’s parent(s). In those cases, rather than wait and potentially allow a problem to get worse, it can be a good, proactive decision to have the testing done privately to facilitate prompt intervention. This form of testing is also available at Inner Fōkus. 

Questions that often prompt psychological evaluation:

  • Does my child have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
  • Does my child have a learning disability?
  • Is my child intellectually gifted?
  • Does my child have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or something else?
  • Does my child have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
  • Is my child developmentally delayed?
  • Does my child qualify for services for individuals with developmental disabilities?
  • What are some specific targets for treatment?
  • How should treatment goals be organized/approached for maximum benefit?
  • How has my child changed in comparison to my last evaluation?



Psychological testing can help clarify any questions that emerge in our initial evaluation. Other situations that may require/benefit from testing include:

  • Do I have ADHD?
  • Do I have depression, anxiety, bipolar, or something else?
  • Do I have a learning disability?
  • Do I have PTSD?
  • Am I intellectually gifted?
  • Do I (or does my loved one) have a developmentally disability?
  • Do I qualify for services for individuals with developmental disabilities?
  • What are some specific targets for treatment?
  • How should treatment goals be organized/approached for maximum benefit?
  • How have I changed in comparison to my last evaluation? (Updates to previously completed testing.)
  • Seeking a second opinion on previous testing.
  • Updated testing to pursue accommodations in the workplace or for standardized tests such as the LSAT and/or MCAT.
  • Testing to maximize therapy or as a therapeutic tool (personal growth, focused treatment, pre-marriage counseling, etc.).
  • To help figure out why some treatment (therapy and/or medications) has not been especially effective.
  • As part of a court or social services mandate.
  • Pre-Employment Screening.