
Pitfalls in Thinking Part 3: Cognitive Dissonance
Ever do something you know you shouldn’t? It could be anything from sharing a friend’s secret, to lying to your mom, to cheating on your partner; if your action conflicted...
Pitfalls in Thinking Part 3: Cognitive Dissonance
Ever do something you know you shouldn’t? It could be anything from sharing a friend’s secret, to lying to your mom, to cheating on your partner; if your action conflicted...

Pitfalls in Thinking Part 2: Confirmation Bias
Are left-handed people more creative? Will gun control help make our country safer? Does the average welfare recipient abuse drugs and alcohol? Are people with mental illness violent? These questions...
Pitfalls in Thinking Part 2: Confirmation Bias
Are left-handed people more creative? Will gun control help make our country safer? Does the average welfare recipient abuse drugs and alcohol? Are people with mental illness violent? These questions...

Pitfalls in Thinking Part 1: How Our Minds Get ...
Let’s face it, we can’t trust our minds to give us totally reliable information much of the time. Instead, we are susceptible to a variety of short-comings that affect our...
Pitfalls in Thinking Part 1: How Our Minds Get ...
Let’s face it, we can’t trust our minds to give us totally reliable information much of the time. Instead, we are susceptible to a variety of short-comings that affect our...

Yoga Meets Therapy: How to Incorporate Pratipak...
The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali is widely considered to be one of the foundational texts of classical yoga philosophy. It consists of nearly 200 rules and aphorisms (general truths) that...
Yoga Meets Therapy: How to Incorporate Pratipak...
The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali is widely considered to be one of the foundational texts of classical yoga philosophy. It consists of nearly 200 rules and aphorisms (general truths) that...

“But, You Don’t Look Sick!” 5 Insights into Lif...
“Invisible” chronic illness refers to health and/or pain conditions that significantly impair activities associated with daily living without causing the person to look particularly different from the healthy people around...
“But, You Don’t Look Sick!” 5 Insights into Lif...
“Invisible” chronic illness refers to health and/or pain conditions that significantly impair activities associated with daily living without causing the person to look particularly different from the healthy people around...

How Antidepressants Work Part 3: Nonpharmacolog...
Last week, in How Antidepressants Work Part II: The Nitty Gritty, we discussed various ways antidepressants impact the brain. This week, we’ll explore nonpharmacological strategies that can also be used...
How Antidepressants Work Part 3: Nonpharmacolog...
Last week, in How Antidepressants Work Part II: The Nitty Gritty, we discussed various ways antidepressants impact the brain. This week, we’ll explore nonpharmacological strategies that can also be used...

How Antidepressants Work Part 2: The Nitty Gritty
As explained in last week’s blog, How Antidepressants Work Part I: The Basics, antidepressants largely exert their effect (at least initially) by impacting the availability of various neurotransmitters in the...
How Antidepressants Work Part 2: The Nitty Gritty
As explained in last week’s blog, How Antidepressants Work Part I: The Basics, antidepressants largely exert their effect (at least initially) by impacting the availability of various neurotransmitters in the...

How Antidepressants Work Part 1: The Basics
One way that brain cells communicate is through the passage of chemicals called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters carry messages across the space between brain cells known as the synapse. Their goal is...
How Antidepressants Work Part 1: The Basics
One way that brain cells communicate is through the passage of chemicals called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters carry messages across the space between brain cells known as the synapse. Their goal is...

Anxiety 101
Anxiety disorders are the most common class of mental illness in the US and affect approximately 40 million US adults per year (nearly 20% of the population!). Between the rise...
Anxiety 101
Anxiety disorders are the most common class of mental illness in the US and affect approximately 40 million US adults per year (nearly 20% of the population!). Between the rise...

A Parenting Win-Win: Practicing Self-Care with ...
Self-care refers to intentional activities that are aimed at promoting and maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. While the particular experience that best suits an individual may vary greatly,...
A Parenting Win-Win: Practicing Self-Care with ...
Self-care refers to intentional activities that are aimed at promoting and maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. While the particular experience that best suits an individual may vary greatly,...

10 Ways to Enhance Intimacy in Any Relationship
Intimacy: nearly all of us want it and yet so many of us struggle with it. Whether it’s getting to know a new person better, connecting with that coworker you...
10 Ways to Enhance Intimacy in Any Relationship
Intimacy: nearly all of us want it and yet so many of us struggle with it. Whether it’s getting to know a new person better, connecting with that coworker you...